Hey Everyone! Merry Christmas & Happy Hannukah! So what are the four gifts? They are four really cool short films that the very first Actors Film School class put together--from script to editing--in 7 weeks, and only on Saturdays, just for you. Yes ladies and gents, you can actually watch the four films this very moment: www.LocoDawn.com/afs_film_festival Two comedies, one drama, and one horror. Check 'em out!
I. Resolve, Tenacity, and Determination
II. The Actors Film School Screening Room is NOW OPEN!
III. Register now the next Actors Film School course, starting on Saturday, January 10th.
IV. Check out our inspiring interview with Pandora.com founder Tim Westergren
V. Coaching program also available
(an excerpt from Chapter 4 of, "The Theatrical Juggernaut -The Psyche of the Star" by Monroe Mann)
"The best time to give it your all is when you've got nothing more to give," I wrote in my journal one day. What does it mean? It means that when the going gets tough, the tough get going. It means that when you want to give up (You forgot to diversify!), that is when you will the most resourceful and clear-headed. It's at this moment of truth when you realize that it's either all or nothing; do or don't do; all the way or no way at all.
Over the last six years, I have thought about quitting numerous times. Like when? Some examples that come to mind are when my band broke up for the first time, when I was sent off to Intelligence School with the Army, when I was told that I look like 'an elf' by an agent told never to pursue modeling, when my key multi-million dollar investor backed out of financing my movie, or most recently, when I was deployed to Iraq for a year and a half and watched my business crumble, my band break up--a second time--and my entire life get turned upside down as I set off into a combat zone. As I would read my journal entries from all of these desperate times, I began to see a pattern: When at my wits end, there were only two decisions I gave myself. I thought about either quitting absolutely and going to law school like my dad wanted, or resolving to double my efforts and really show this town who I was. As you can surmise, I always choose the latter option. The second edition of 'The Theatrical Juggernaut' that you are reading is but one of the results! But as it turns out, I very well may be getting my law degree anyway, simply because I now realize that it would certainly help me in Hollywood. [ed. note: funny that now I indeed am actually in law school and am finding that it was one of the best career moves I could have made!]
Truly, I have wanted to quit at least six or seven times just this past year, i.e. yes, this year. And if you say you haven't wanted to quit, then either you're a liar, or you are not risking enough. Anyway, in this periods of despair--absolute utter despair, I assure you--I face (yes even now) feelings that I will never get anywhere in this stupid business and that the world stinks and that I should just quit. There are only two options when in this absolutely assured mire.
When on the verge of total emotional breakdown from the harsh rejection of this business, you can only do one of two things. You can either quit, like the others before you, and say you tried, or you can resolve to kick into overdrive, double your efforts, and this time, really try.
The best time to give it your all is when you've got nothing more to give. When they say no, you say, yes. When they say stop, you say, go.
Simply said: do not give up when others tell you to.
I have noticed that my greatest accomplishments came soon after I decided I was not going to quit. At these moments, I always resolved that I was going to try again like never before. Suddenly, things began to happen.
Pick up your copy of The Theatrical Juggernaut at Drama Book Shop, Amazon, BN, or in an e-book version available at UnstoppableArtists.com
The four films are:
1) Yes I Can - by Ryan White (Starring: James Oliver, Monroe Mann, Arthur S. Brown, and Ryan White)
2) Mahiana - by James Oliver (Starring: James Oliver, Monore Mann, Ryan White, and Arthur S. Brown)
3) The Return of Captain Schtickloch - by Authur S. Brown (Starring: Art Brown, Ryan White, Monroe Mann, and James Oliver)
4) Squeal Like a Pig - by Monroe Mann (Starring: Monroe Mann, Ryan White, Arthur S. Brown, and James Oliver)
You can watch all four of them (each under 6 minutes) at: www.LocoDawn.com/afs_film_festival
You can watch all four of them (each under 6 minutes) at: www.LocoDawn.com/afs_film_festival
It's official: Actors Film School is a hit! 8 weeks ago, class began with 4 students. Each wrote, produced, directed, starred in, and edited his own film. The films are now available for viewing on facebook, youtube, and at ActorsFilmSchool.com. How about that? A film school that requires every student to actually finish their film--what a groundbreaking concept! And each student leaves with an acting reel of his/her best scenes from each film. Are you ready to join in the fun? The next session starts on Saturday, January 10th. I have combined everything I usually teach in my inspirational business course into a film school where you write your script, produce it, direct it, STAR in it, AND where you are required to co-star in all the other films as well. Each script MUST be under 3 pages. Each film WILL be completed at the end of the seven-week course. In fact, your film WILL be submitted to film festivals at the end of the course, posted on YouTube, posted up on the Loco Dawn Films website, and shared with the world. Oh, and you'll leave with an acting reel with your best moments from all the films as well. Did I mention you also leave with a 10-year business, marketing, and financial strategy as well? If this sounds great, register for the next class, starting in mid-January, on Saturdays, from 2 - 6PM, and for a limited time, still for only $1500!!! Check out www.ActorsFilmSchool.com for more information!
We are soooo proud to share with you our latest Before the Big Break interview, this time with Tim Westergren, the founder of the music site, Pandora.com. Are you curious how Tim persevered to create a million dollar company from absolutely nothing? How he found his first investors? How Tim came to the realization that he had to step down as CEO and hire someone with more experience to keep up with the growth? Well, wonder no longer! The answers are all here in our exclusive on-camera interview at www.BeforeTheBigBreak.com, and on our celebrity blog right there on the site!
As you may also know, I am a third year JD/MBA student, a member of SAG, AFTRA, and EQUITY, the host and lead producer of the celebrity talk-show Before the Big Break, the author of 5 books, and hey, I've been a guest on 4 television talk shows, including CNBC's The Big Idea and The Dr. Keith Show. My point? I CAN HELP YOU PUT TOGETHER A BANG UP PLAN AND GUIDE YOU ON YOUR JOURNEY. Visit www.UnstoppableArtists.com for more info, or call me. Coaching programs start at $750 for five weeks.
-Monroe Mann
Call 914-481-1641 or reply to this email to set up your free 20-minute career, marketing, and financial phone consultation with Unstoppable Artists' founder Monroe Mann. Who is he? He's the guy to call when you're finally ready to take control of your circumstances.
ROMP ON! Meet you at the TOP!
No Rules. No Excuses. No Regrets.
-Monroe Mann, ME, GMC (JD/MBA - May 2010)CEO & Senior Publicist
Unstoppable Artists, LLC
www.UnstoppableArtists.com (watch my original CNBC interview!)
914-481-1641 (office)
646-764-1764 (cell)
P.S. - You know how people are always looking for their big break, and just wish there were an easier way? Well, there is. And it has a name: Unstoppable Artists. I help clients create their own breaks by teaching them how to manage their own career and finances, and help them to gain more exposure. I help people in show business, music, sports, and publishing (and of course entrepreneurs) think much bigger, gain more control of their futures, and become a part of the 'lucky' few who are considered successful.