Sunday, December 28, 2008

4 Fun Christmas Presents from Monroe Mann & Actors Film School

Hey Everyone!  Merry Christmas & Happy Hannukah! So what are the four gifts?  They are four really cool short films that the very first Actors Film School class put together--from script to editing--in 7 weeks, and only on Saturdays, just for you.  Yes ladies and gents, you can actually watch the four films this very moment:  Two comedies, one drama, and one horror.  Check 'em out!
I. Resolve, Tenacity, and Determination
II. The Actors Film School Screening Room is NOW OPEN!
III. Register now the next Actors Film School course, starting on Saturday, January 10th.
IV. Check out our inspiring interview with founder Tim Westergren
V. Coaching program also available
(an excerpt from Chapter 4 of, "The Theatrical Juggernaut -The Psyche of the Star" by Monroe Mann)
"The best time to give it your all is when you've got nothing more to give," I wrote in my journal one day.  What does it mean?  It means that when the going gets tough, the tough get going.  It means that when you want to give up (You forgot to diversify!), that is when you will the most resourceful and clear-headed.  It's at this moment of truth when you realize that it's either all or nothing; do or don't do; all the way or no way at all.
Over the last six years, I have thought about quitting numerous times.  Like when?  Some examples that come to mind are when my band broke up for the first time, when I was sent off to Intelligence School with the Army, when I was told that I look like 'an elf' by an agent told never to pursue modeling, when my key multi-million dollar investor backed out of financing my movie, or most recently, when I was deployed to Iraq for a year and a half and watched my business crumble, my band break up--a second time--and my entire life get turned upside down as I set off into a combat zone.  As I would read my journal entries from all of these desperate times, I began to see a pattern: When at my wits end, there were only two decisions I gave myself.  I thought about either quitting absolutely and going to law school like my dad wanted, or resolving to double my efforts and really show this town who I was.  As you can surmise, I always choose the latter option.  The second edition of 'The Theatrical Juggernaut' that you are reading is but one of the results!  But as it turns out, I very well may be getting my law degree anyway, simply because I now realize that it would certainly help me in Hollywood.  [ed. note: funny that now I indeed am actually in law school and am finding that it was one of the best career moves I could have made!]
Truly, I have wanted to quit at least six or seven times just this past year, i.e. yes, this year.  And if you say you haven't wanted to quit, then either you're a liar, or you are not risking enough.  Anyway, in this periods of despair--absolute utter despair, I assure you--I face (yes even now) feelings that I will never get anywhere in this stupid business and that the world stinks and that I should just quit.  There are only two options when in this absolutely assured mire.
When on the verge of total emotional breakdown from the harsh rejection of this business, you can only do one of two things.  You can either quit, like the others before you, and say you tried, or you can resolve to kick into overdrive, double your efforts, and this time, really try.
The best time to give it your all is when you've got nothing more to give.  When they say no, you say, yes.  When they say stop, you say, go.
Simply said: do not give up when others tell you to.
I have noticed that my greatest accomplishments came soon after I decided I was not going to quit.  At these moments, I always resolved that I was going to try again like never before.  Suddenly, things began to happen.
Pick up your copy of The Theatrical Juggernaut at Drama Book Shop, Amazon, BN, or in an e-book version available at
The four films are:
1) Yes I Can - by Ryan White (Starring: James Oliver, Monroe Mann, Arthur S. Brown, and Ryan White)
2) Mahiana - by James Oliver (Starring: James Oliver, Monore Mann, Ryan White, and Arthur S. Brown)
3) The Return of Captain Schtickloch - by Authur S. Brown (Starring: Art Brown, Ryan White, Monroe Mann, and James Oliver)
4) Squeal Like a Pig - by Monroe Mann (Starring: Monroe Mann, Ryan White, Arthur S. Brown, and James Oliver)

You can watch all four of them (each under 6 minutes) at:


It's official: Actors Film School is a hit!  8 weeks ago, class began with 4 students.  Each wrote, produced, directed, starred in, and edited his own film.  The films are now available for viewing on facebook, youtube, and at  How about that?  A film school that requires every student to actually finish their film--what a groundbreaking concept!  And each student leaves with an acting reel of his/her best scenes from each film.  Are you ready to join in the fun?  The next session starts on Saturday, January 10th.  I have combined everything I usually teach in my inspirational business course into a film school where you write your script, produce it, direct it, STAR in it, AND where you are required to co-star in all the other films as well.  Each script MUST be under 3 pages.  Each film WILL be completed at the end of the seven-week course.  In fact, your film WILL be submitted to film festivals at the end of the course, posted on YouTube, posted up on the Loco Dawn Films website, and shared with the world.  Oh, and you'll leave with an acting reel with your best moments from all the films as well.  Did I mention you also leave with a 10-year business, marketing, and financial strategy as well?  If this sounds great, register for the next class, starting in mid-January, on Saturdays, from 2 - 6PM, and for a limited time, still for only $1500!!!  Check out for more information!

We are soooo proud to share with you our latest Before the Big Break interview, this time with Tim Westergren, the founder of the music site,  Are you curious how Tim persevered to create a million dollar company from absolutely nothing?  How he found his first investors?  How Tim came to the realization that he had to step down as CEO and hire someone with more experience to keep up with the growth?  Well, wonder no longer!  The answers are all here in our exclusive on-camera interview at, and on our celebrity blog right there on the site!

As you may also know, I am a third year JD/MBA student, a member of SAG, AFTRA, and EQUITY, the host and lead producer of the celebrity talk-show Before the Big Break, the author of 5 books, and hey, I've been a guest on 4 television talk shows, including CNBC's The Big Idea and The Dr. Keith Show.  My point?  I CAN HELP YOU PUT TOGETHER A BANG UP PLAN AND GUIDE YOU ON YOUR JOURNEY.  Visit for more info, or call me.  Coaching programs start at $750 for five weeks.
Oh, check out my website at

-Monroe Mann
Call 914-481-1641 or reply to this email to set up your free 20-minute career, marketing, and financial phone consultation with Unstoppable Artists' founder Monroe Mann.  Who is he?  He's the guy to call when you're finally ready to take control of your circumstances.   

ROMP ON! Meet you at the TOP!
No Rules. No Excuses. No Regrets.
-Monroe Mann, ME, GMC (JD/MBA - May 2010)
CEO & Senior Publicist
Unstoppable Artists, LLC   (watch my original CNBC interview!) 
914-481-1641 (office) 
646-764-1764 (cell)

P.S. - You know how people are always looking for their big break, and just wish there were an easier way?  Well, there is.  And it has a name: Unstoppable Artists.  I help clients create their own breaks by teaching them how to manage their own career and finances, and help them to gain more exposure.  I help people in show business, music, sports, and publishing (and of course entrepreneurs) think much bigger, gain more control of their futures, and become a part of the 'lucky' few who are considered successful.

Tuesday, December 02, 2008

New inspiring interview; Some practical tips; and Actors Film School

Hey Everyone!  Happy December 1st!
I. Three Quick Marketing Success Tips
II. New "Before the Big Break" interview with Dan Lurie, 3-time Mr. America's Most Muscular Man (and co-star with Ed McMahon on Sealtest Bigtop)
III. Inspiring story
IV. Register now the next Actors Film School course, starting on Saturday, January 10th.
V. Coaching and publicity program also available
1. Your marketing angle = "Why you are different."(tm)  Think long and hard, and determine why you, your services, and your company are 100% unique.  Think about it: if you are NOT 100% unique, then you really don't have much of a marketing angle, do you?  90% of your time should be spent figuring this out.
2. Your marketing plan = "How you tell people you are different."(tm)  There are only two ways to tell people you are different: either through Advertising, or through Publicity.  That's it.  How do you come up with your marketing plan?  Easy---if your marketing angle is good, and specific enough, your marketing plan will be obvious to you.  Only spend 10% of your time figuring out your marketing plan. 
3. C.C.C.(tm) = Cost, Credibility, and Control.  Meaning what?  Meaning those are the differences between advertising and publicity.  Advertising costs money, publicity does not; Advertising offers little credibility, and publicity offers a lot; and Advertising gives total control, publicity gives you very little control.  Make sense?  THIS is why you have to use both advertising AND publicity in your marketing plan.  If you only use one, you are inevitably missing one of the three C's.  So learn about publicity and advertising BOTH today!
Summary: if you don't have a good marketing angle, the only thing your marketing plan will succeed in doing is 'telling everyone that you're NOT different.'  Who wants to work with someone like that?

We are soooo proud to share with you our latest Before the Big Break interview, this time with Dan Lurie, 3-time Mr. America's Most Muscular Man (and co-star with Ed McMahon on Sealtest Bigtop) Are you curious how Dan persevered to become Most Muscular Mann three years in a row?  How Dan turned a business he started in his mom's basement into a national phenomenon?  How Dan ended up becoming Lou Ferigno's personal trainer?  Well, wonder no longer!  The answers are all here in our exclusive on-camera interview:, and on our celebrity blog right there on the site!
Question: "So, how did you become a movie star?"
Answer: "I decided to go to law school."
For years, I fought against following in my parents' footsteps: I did NOT want to become a lawyer.  I wanted to become an actor!  If I became a lawyer, then I wouldn't be an actor anymore, right?!  I would limit my opportunities because no one would take me seriously as an actor, right?  Well, I was wrong.  And that's why I ultimately decided to start law school last year.  And now, I am halfway done.  And as a result, my acting career is actually benefiting in ways I never imagined.  First, my businesss partner Phil Malandrino and I are negotiating now with a huge hedge fund in Germany--they want us to head up the North American film financing wing of their operation.  Part of that is because they trust me--an attorney to be.  And if Phil and I control the pursestrings for film financing, who do you think is going to be getting acting parts in those films?  Second, and this story just happened today.  It started last year.  Here's the progression of events: Fall 2007--I started law school; Summer 2008--I meet a lawyer auditing one of my classes who knows the marketing director for the White Plains Performing Arts Center.  This lawyer became my friend, and thought highly enough of me to introduce me to Bruce at the Performing Arts Center.  Next, Bruce introduces me to casting director Michael Cassara, because he finds out I'm an actor, that I run a company involved in showbusiness, and because he thought Michael and I might be able to help one another out.  Well, today, Michael returned my call, and on Friday, I am meeting with him--to discuss how my role as actor, producer, publicist/manager, and attorney-to-be can potentially help him.  Will I bring my headshot?  Of course.  Will I bring a copy of my acting reel?  Of course.  Will I potentially get some auditions through Michael Cassara now for my acting career?  Absolutely.  Did law school get in the way of this happening?  No way!  In fact, it's only BECAUSE of law school that I have that meeting on Friday. How do you like them apples?

THE LESSON: don't limit yourself.  Instead, bring all of your diverse interests together focused on a single goal.  I call it 'synergistic diversification'(tm).  Do lots of things (write books, start a band, join the army, etc) and make sure they all help you reach your ultimate goal.  Don't let people brainwash you into 'focusing'---the only thing you should focus on is the END; the 'means' is a whole other story.  Don't assume that you know the straight line road to the top; guess what: YOU DON'T.  This is why most people who try to 'make it' never end up 'making it'.  So instead, be open to the distinct possibility that the road you take to the top will be more winding than you could ever imagine.  "Hey, so how did you become a movie star?"  "By going to law school."  <---doesn't seem so far fetched anymore does it?


It's official: Actors Film School is a hit!  Four weeks ago, class began with 4 students.  Each wrote, produced, directed, starred in, and is now editing his own film.  In about four weeks, each of those 4 films will be completed, and posted on the site, and on YouTube.  And each student will leave with an acting reel of his best scenes from each film.  Are you ready to join in the fun?  The next session starts on Saturday, January 10th.  I have combined everything I usually teach in my inspirational business course into a film school where you write your script, produce it, direct it, STAR in it, AND where you are required to co-star in all the other films as well.  Each film MUST be under 3-minutes.  Each film WILL be completed at the end of the seven-week course.  In fact, your film WILL be submitted to film festivals at the end of the course, posted on YouTube, posted up on the Loco Dawn Films website, and shared with the world.  Oh, and you'll leave with an acting reel with your best moments from all the films as well.  Did I mention you also leave with a 10-year business, marketing, and financial strategy as well?  If this sounds great, register for the next class, starting in mid-January, on Saturdays, from 2 - 6PM, and for only $1500!!!  Check out for more information!

As you may also know, I am a third year JD/MBA student, a member of SAG, AFTRA, and EQUITY, the host and lead producer of the celebrity talk-show Before the Big Break, the author of 5 books, and hey, I've been a guest on 4 television talk shows, including CNBC's The Big Idea and The Dr. Keith Show.  My point?  I CAN HELP YOU PUT TOGETHER A BANG UP PLAN and/or HELP YOU GET THE PUBLICITY YOU NEED AND DESERVE.  Visit for more info, or call me.  Coaching programs start at $750 for five weeks.
BONUS: I would like you all to become my friend on  If you haven't yet joined, you are missing out on one of the greatest marketing tools EVER.  Join, then search for Monroe Mann.  You can also watch my new acting reel on Facebook, as well as watch my appearance on The Big Idea. 
BONUS: ALSO, I recently launched my new website.  Check it out at

-Monroe Mann
Call 914-481-1641 or reply to this email to set up your free 20-minute career, marketing, and financial phone consultation with Unstoppable Artists' founder Monroe Mann.  Who is he?  He's the guy to call when you're finally ready to take control of your circumstances.   

ROMP ON! Meet you at the TOP!
No Rules. No Excuses. No Regrets.
-Monroe Mann, ME, GMC (JD/MBA - May 2010)
CEO & Senior Publicist
Unstoppable Artists, LLC   (watch my original CNBC interview!) 
914-481-1641 (office) 
646-764-1764 (cell)

Monday, November 17, 2008

By the way...

Be sure to check out my interview with the producer of Pretty Woman, Gary W. Goldstein, at; the interview just launched this past Saturday.

The Ides of November

Okay, so it's two days AFTER the ides of November, but you still get the ide-ea.

I just launched the brand new rendition of with updated photos, updated information, and a brand new look. If you're on the site now, you're looking at it! You can even watch my new acting reel in the media room.

In other news, I'm trying to expand my business, Unstoppable Artists, and working on bringing on some extra help---it's all so stressful keeping all the balls in the air: I am one busy guy. For better or for worse.

The first Actors Film School class session this past Saturday was a great success. I'm really thrilled with how well it turned out. Check it out for yourself if you're interested:

Okay, anyway, I'm exhausted. Time for me to head off to bed.

Later folks!

(Note: this blog is available at both and

Romp On! Hooah! Meet You at the Top!

-Monroe Mann
ME (Master of Entrepreneurship); GMC (Guerrilla Marketing Coach); JD/MBA (Spring 2010)
646-764-1764 host this online celebrity talk-show!

Read my latest books, "Guerrilla Networking" with Jay Conrad Levinson, and "Start Your Own Coaching Business" with Entrepreneur Press!

Thursday, October 30, 2008

Actors Film School

Hey Everyone,

Tell your friends.  The coolest most unique film school on the planet has just opened for business.  If you're an actor, a director, a filmmaker, a producer, or a screenwriter, go here, RIGHT NOW:

Class starts November 15th.

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Awesome spring classes

Okay, so I'm just about ready to register for spring semester for my JD/MBA.  My courses are... drum roll please...

Constitutional Law
Professional Responsibility
Sports Law
Immigration (if I can squeeze it in)
Advanced Real Property
And either Corporations & Partnerships <or> Investment Analysis <or> Economics

Isn't this exciting?  I am becoming one knowledgeable rock star!

And if you haven't, be sure to check out:  ---> next class starts on November 15th ---> my celebrity talk-show.  You will LOVE it.

-Monroe Mann
ME (Master of Entrepreneurship); GMC (Guerrilla Marketing Coach); JD/MBA (Spring 2010)
646-764-1764 <---I host this online celebrity talk-show!

Read my latest books, "Guerrilla Networking" with Jay Conrad Levinson, and "Start Your Own Coaching Business" with Entrepreneur Press!

Saturday, October 25, 2008

Woohoo! Our show "Before the Big Break" now has viewers in 29 states and 20 countries!

First, PLEASE forward this email to your friends.  We need your continued support!!!

Ladies and gentlemen, what can I say but... the celebrity talk-show I host called "Before the Big Break" is on its way to becoming a veritable international hit! 
After only 4 weeks we now have viewers in 29 states, and 20 countries; people like Candice Bergen and Michael Essany have seen it; and we're already getting request from other stars (like drummer AJ Pero from Twisted Sister) who want to be a guest.  Guys... we have only aired our first 2 episodes!  We have enough to last us till early summer! 
And on November 1st, it's episode 3, with cult-film star Sammy Petrillo.  You won't believe the stories he tells; your jaw will drop at least once; and you're in for quite a treat in the last 5 minutes!  Mark your calendars for November 1st and see why Before the Big Break is quickly becoming one of the hottest destinations on the web!  
But don't wait until then!  Right now, you can watch the current interview with rock band Ludo, all about how they got signed to Island Records.  AND you can also watch past episodes (with Joe Franklin) in the archives.  If you haven't yet, you have GOT to watch the show.  Check it out at
Finally, if you like what you're seeing, and you want to do something similar for yourself, you have GOT to check out the most amazingly useful and productive course I have ever created.  Imagine a course that combines acting, directing, film and tv production, time management, organization, business and legal skills, a 5-year career plan, an edited acting reel, a DVD of all the films you work on in class, AND all infused with the inspiration and motivation you have come to expect from your faithful instructor Monroe Mann.  Well, it's called Actors Film School, and class is starting as soon as I get my 3rd student (two have already signed up).  Are you my third student?  Check out all the details at
What are you waiting for? Give me a call at my office: 914-481-1641; I'd be happy to chat with you.  Or just reply to this email.
-Monroe Mann
Call 914-481-1641 or reply to this email to set up your free 20-minute career, marketing, and financial phone consultation with Unstoppable Artists' founder Monroe Mann.  Who is he?  He's the guy to call when you're finally ready to take control of your circumstances.   

Introducing... Bob Beck, Jonathan Arons, and Amanda Rowan. And... Monroe Mann update!

Hello Hello!
I wanted to take a moment to introduce my three current publicity clients to you, and tell you how absolutely awesome they are!  (And if you're a fan of me too, you can read my awesome update at the bottom!)
1) Introducing... BOB BECK.  Bob is the acclaimed author of the new inspirational book, 'Winning in the 5th Quarter', which is about applying the secrets of football to a successful life and career.  What does Mr. Beck know about these things?  Well, just about everything.  Not only is he a former collegiate football player and football coach, but he also has the distinction of taking not one, but THREE, companies public, and he has spoken in hundreds of cities and 10 countries about how he did it.  The guy is amazing, and his book completely has my stamp of approval.  I read it; I loved it; I am inspired by it; and heck, Coach Ken Hatfield himself says, "This book is a thesis on success, life, love, and joy.  This book is a must read for anyone wanting to enjoy life to its fullest."  You can buy the book at buy clicking here, and read more about Bob at    p.s. his mother is a famous person; see if you can figure out who!
2) Introducing... JONATHAN ARONS.  Jonathan is best known as the hilariously talented dancing trombonist from America's Got Talent.  If you haven't yet seen his STANDING OVATION performance, you need to check it out at  Jonathan has recently been seen on the Today Show (and he'll be on AGAIN this week), and has appeared previously on Steve Harvey, The Apollo, Leno, Maury Povich, and the list goes on.  Jonathan is also the author of the upcoming book, "Uncle Tim's Condo" which is a wildly funny and poignant discussion of how white people are traditionally stereotyped as bad dancers, and what they can do about it!   More info at   p.s. his family started and owns a well-known children's organization in New Jersey--see if you can figure out which one!
3) Introducing... AMANDA ROWAN.  Many of you have already seen Amanda in the National Lampoon film, "Pledge This", in which Amanda co-starred with one of her good friends, Paris Hilton.  You may have also seen her acting in a film she wrote and produced called, "She Pedals Fast for a Girl", which debuted this past summer at the Newport Beach Film Festival.  Or, you have probably seen some of the photos she has taken as celebrity photographer of such famous stars as Amy Smart, Sean Lennon, Elisha Cuthbert, and of course, Paris.  In fact, she is coming from to NY for actor headshot and portrait sessions from November 18th - 23rd, and if you mention my name, she'll give you a hugely reduced $350 rate that includes 4 looks, hair and makeup, and a CD with all the edited photos.  If you live in Los Angeles, even better: that's where she lives!  You can check out her photography site at, and you can read more about her (and see a hot photo of her with Paris Hilton!) at   P.S. -- her dad is a famous blue grass musician.  See if you can figure out who he is!
4) Re-introducing... MONROE MANN.  I couldn't resist promoting myself at the same time (I'm just good at it, ya know?)  So as for me, I'm just about halfway done with law school, and love my current classes (entertainmment law, property, appellate advocacy, federal tax, and an MBA course, operations).  I just signed a new book deal with the amazing Peter Bielagus for a book called, "Getting Loaded Thru Negotiation" which we will be co-writing; I also am nearly done with another book (co-written with Lou Bortone) called, "Battle Cries for the Hollywood Underdog".  If you haven't yet, please check out my books, The Theatrical Juggernaut and Guerrilla Networking, that you will LOVE.  Beyond that, you guys know about my rockin' talk-show Before the Big Break, I had the privilege of speaking at AFTRA last week, and well things are going pretty well overall.  In fact, now you also know that my publicity business is doing pretty well too! 
On that note, if you or anyone you know:
a) seeks a wonderfully talented business, financial, and career cheerleader and drill sergeant, or
b) seeks an absolutely top notch manager/publicist (see website for details), or
c) want(s) to enroll in the most amazing film school on the planet...
What are you waiting for? Give me a call at my office: 914-481-1641; I'd be happy to chat with you or your friend.  Or just reply to this email.
-Monroe Mann
Call 914-481-1641 or reply to this email to set up your free 20-minute career, marketing, and financial phone consultation with Unstoppable Artists' founder Monroe Mann.  Who is he?  He's the guy to call when you're finally ready to take control of your circumstances.   

ROMP ON! Meet you at the TOP!
No Rules. No Excuses. No Regrets.
-Monroe Mann, ME, GMC (JD/MBA - May 2010)
CEO & Senior Publicist
Unstoppable Artists, LLC   (watch my original CNBC interview!) 
914-481-1641 (office) 
646-764-1764 (cell)


Thursday, October 02, 2008

Join me! Next week, I am speaking at both AFTRA NY and AAA Voice Casting.

Yippie Kai Oh Kai Ai! 
I am teaching inspirational business seminars next week at both AFTRA NY and AAA Voice Casting.  The first is "Make Your Own Break; Be Your Own Manager"; the second is "How to Create and Produce Your Own Star Vehicle."  I would love to see you at both!  Read below for details on each workshop--the first is only for AFTRA members; the second is for everyone.
The FIRST awesome and inspiring seminar is:
WHAT: "Make Your Own Break; Be Your Own Manager"
WHERE: at AFTRA NY in the Eddie Cantor Boardroom; 260 Madison Avenue, 7th Floor, New York City
WHEN: This coming Tuesday, October 7th, 6 - 8PM
WHO: You must be an AFTRA union member, and you must RSVP.
WHY: Learn how to take control of your career once and for all and how to manage it far better than anyone else in the world.  This seminar alone is worth that entire initiation fee!
COST: FREE, but 43 people have already RSVP'd and space is running out--- so act now and call Michelle Caruso at 212-863-4253 to get on the list.  You MUST rsvp and you MUST bring your paid-up union card to be admitted.  And by the way: JEFF GOLDSTEIN, THANK YOU!  YOU ARE AWESOME!
TAUGHT BY: Monroe Mann.  Monroe is the host of the celebrity talk show Before the Big Break; founder of Unstoppable Artists; author of The Theatrical Juggernaut and co-author of Guerrilla Networking; he holds a Masters of Entrepreneurship degree; is a 3rd year JD/MBA student at Pace Law; and is the founder of

The SECOND awesome and inspiring seminar is:
WHAT: "How to Create & Produce Your Own STAR VEHICLE"
WHERE: Full House Productions/AAA Voice Casting 123 W. 18th street, 7th floor.
WHEN: Friday, October 10th, either 6 - 8PM, or 6:30 - 8:30 (not sure yet!)
WHO: Anyone who knows he or she is immensely talented and is sick of waiting around for someone else to discover that talent. 
WHY: Get off your ass and make YOURSELF a star!  In this seminar, you will learn how to determine your strengths, put together a production team, and shoot the film or tv project that is going to put you on the map.  Bring 2 copies of your headshot and resume--we will be using it in the seminar!
COST: Only $20!  Call Carole Duckworth at 917-363-3130 to register in advance, OR show up and pay at the door.  Please call, though, to reserve your seat--this too is filling up quickly. 
TAUGHT BY: Monroe Mann.  Monroe is the host (and lead producer) of the celebrity talk show Before the Big Break; founder of Unstoppable Artists; author of The Theatrical Juggernaut and co-author of Guerrilla Networking; he holds a Masters of Entrepreneurship degree; is a 3rd year JD/MBA student at Pace Law; and is the founder of
Please pass these invitations to anyone you may know in showbusiness!

And that's the latest from the RoMann Empire. 
P.S. - Read my latest CNBC blog at
P.P.S. -Watch our new celebrity talk-show at

Thanks so much for your support!
-Monroe Mann
Call 914-481-1641 or reply to this email to set up your free 20-minute career, marketing, and financial phone consultation with Unstoppable Artists' founder Monroe Mann.  Who is he?  He's the guy to call when you're finally ready to take control of your circumstances.   

Thursday, September 25, 2008

Woohoo! Just hit # 1 on Amazon's Entrepreneurship Bestseller list; 167 overall!

Wassup boys and girls!
First, before we get to the 'main event' of this email, I invite you all to tune-in on October 1st for the debut episode of my new celebrity talk-show, "Before the Big Break" with your host, yours truly, Monroe Mann. We are launching a week from tonight with our very first guest Joe Franklin, the inventor of the television talk-show (no joke!)---you'll hear never before heard stories about how Joe got his big break on national television, about Julia Roberts' very first job at the age of 17, how Billy Crystal found his inspiration, and so much more!  Joe will be followed by the rock band, Ludo, on October 15th (they just played on The Tonight Show over the summer), and on and on!  More details (including where to watch the show) in a few days, so stay tuned!  And thanks in advance for your support!
Now, on to the main event.  This is REALLY exciting!  Here's the quick story:

Last year, I was invited to be a contributing author of a new book called, "Guerrilla Marketing on the Front Lines". The entire book is a kick-ass compilation of 35 stories from '35 world-class marketing coaches'.  I am in the company of Mark Victor Hansen (who wrote the foreword), Jay Conrad Levinson an d Mitch Meyerson (who compiled the book), Michael Port, CJ Hayden, and the list goes on. 
Basically, I'm writing to you for two reasons:
1) I wanted to share this great news with you: the book is now available and we are # 1 baby!!  # 1 on the Entrepreneur bestseller list, AND 167 OVERALL OUT OF EVERY BOOK SOLD ON AMAZON!
2) I wanted to invite you to pick up the book yourself on Amazon and help us get to # 1 OVERALL!
My story is chapter 27, "Battle Cries for the Marketing Underdog - How to Warproof Your Business -- Literally".  In my chapter, I share the story of how I kept my business and dreams alive while deployed to Iraq for 11 months in 2005, and how you can apply my 'lessons learned' in combat to your own 'impossible' dreams and aspirations in business, in the arts, and in life. 
Still not convinced?  Mark Victor Hansen Author of Chicken Soup For The Soul says in the foreword...

"Guerrilla Marketing On The Front Lines is a collection of stories about how the men and women in the trenches are out there making their way and being successful through hard effort and sheer intention…  This book will not only give you some of the essential strategies you need to build your business, it will inspire you to take a quantum leap forward."
But it gets even better...
If you purchase this book on Amazon TODAY you will get a free VIP pass to a very special  90 minute tele-seminar called:

"The 20 Most Profit-Producing Guerrilla Marketing Strategies" presented by The Father of Guerrilla Marketing Jay Conrad Levinson and 19 World Class Guerrilla Marketing Coaches!"  --- Hint: I am one of them.

To Get Your Book and VIP pass  for only 13.57  just click here


So take take 2 minutes and click on the link where you can purchase your book directly from Amazon and get your VIP pass instantly to this amazing 90 minute tele-seminar!  Or just go directly to Amazon and pick up a copy.  You'll really like the book.  The stories are really wonderfully information and inspiring.


See you there!
And that's the latest from the RoMann Empire. 
P.S. - Read my latest CNBC blog at
P.P.S. - If you are in AFTRA (American Federation of Radio and Television Artists), come see me speak on October 7th, for free!  Contact AFTRA to register, as you MUST rsvp--we expect a packed house.

Thanks so much for your support!
-Monroe Mann
Call 914-481-1641 or reply to this email to set up your free 20-minute career, marketing, and financial phone consultation with Unstoppable Artists' founder Monroe Mann.  Who is he?  He's the guy to call when you're finally ready to take control of your circumstances.   

ROMP ON! Meet you at the TOP!
No Rules. No Excuses. No Regrets.
-Monroe Mann, ME, GMC (JD/MBA - May 2010)
CEO & Senior Publicist
Unstoppable Artists, LLC   (watch my original CNBC interview!) 
914-481-1641 (office)

Tuesday, September 09, 2008

Facebook, Today Show, Speaking, Origami, & Film School

Monroe Mann's Unstoppable Artists, LLC

5-Week Coaching Program only $750
Call for free 20-Minute Consultation: 914-481-1641
September 9th, 2008

Five quick things for the RoMann Legion (that's you!) from the RoMann Empire (that's me). 
First: if you're on Facebook, it's time to become my friend on one of the coolest networking tools around.  If you're not on Facebook, get crackin'.  Once you try it, you'll be hooked.  Facebook ROCKS.   You can click the links below to take you to my various pages.
Monroe Mann on Facebook (be sure to send a message letting me know you're on my email list)
Unstoppable Artists on Facebook (gonna be doing some cool things with this so definitely become a fan)
Before the Big Break on Facebook (we launch in less than 3 weeks; join us to be the first to get updates)

Second: if you're getting this email early on Tuesday morning, DO NOT MISS THE TODAY SHOW AT 9AM EST.  My client, Jonathan Arons from America's Got Talent is going to be interviewed.  And he may just end up dancing!!  And you are going to laugh your asses off!  Check out previous appearances (Tonight Show, Steve Harvey, The Apollo, Maury) at his website,
Third: if you are raring to see me speak, here are two FREE opportunities.  First, on September 20th at NYC Screenwriters talking about, 'Becoming a Producing Screenwriter'.  It's free to attend, but you must be a member of their group:   Second, my AFTRA speaking date is finally on the calendar, and I am the first speaker of the year!  On October 7th, I'll be teaching a course on how to 'Make Your Own Break/Be Your Own Manager'--you must be a paid up member of AFTRA to attend.
Fourth: Guess what people?!!  After over a year, I am so proud to report that in less than two weeks, you are going to be able to watch my awesomely funny 43-minute SAG film, "Origami Deathmatch" online.  Stay tuned---the laughs from the incredibly talented 32-person cast are just around the corner.  Thank you (friend/client/cast member) Arthur Brown for your help in getting the film online!  <---he's got a new book coming out soon that you are going to LOVE called, "Everything I Need To Know I Learned From Cartoons".
Fifth (and finally): The date is set: Actors Film School starts on Saturday, October 18th, for 6 weeks.  Check out Loco Dawn Films' first instructional program at  <---brand new site.  Check it out!
And that's the latest from the RoMann Empire.
Thanks so much for your support!
-Monroe Mann
Call 914-481-1641 or reply to this email to set up your free 20-minute career, marketing, and financial phone consultation with Unstoppable Artists' founder Monroe Mann.  Who is he?  He's the guy to call when you're finally ready to take control of your circumstances.   

ROMP ON! Meet you at the TOP!
No Rules. No Excuses. No Regrets.
-Monroe Mann, ME, GMC (JD/MBA - May 2010)
CEO & Senior Publicist
Unstoppable Artists, LLC   (watch my original CNBC interview!) 
914-481-1641 (office) 
646-764-1764 (cell)

P.S. - You know how people are always looking for their big break, and just wish there were an easier way?  Well, there is.  And it has a name: Unstoppable Artists.  I help clients create their own breaks by teaching them how to manage their own career and finances, and help them to gain more exposure.  I help people in show business, music, sports, and publishing (and of course entrepreneurs) think much bigger, gain more control of their futures, and become a part of the 'lucky' few who are considered successful. 

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Saturday, August 09, 2008

Trump, Deutsch, Mann. 'Big Idea' Blog # 2 and summer update!

Monroe Mann's Unstoppable Artists, LLC

5-Week Coaching Program only $750
Call for free 20-Minute Consultation: 914-481-1641
August 8th, 2008

Greetings Unstoppable Ones!
Okay, so I managed to finagle a second blog on the Big Idea website.  In fact, the web producer Paul Toscano and I are experimenting with little ol' me being the very first guest from the show (no joke) who also gets to blog MORE THAN ONCE!  Ladies and gentlemen, how very cool it is to share with you that I am---drum roll please--The Big Idea's 'Weekend Special'!  Their first ever!  Seriously, this is so cool.  I'm on the Big Idea homepage right now.  How nice to see a photo of Donald Trump, then Donny Deutsch, and then Monroe Mann!!  All right next to one another. :)  Yeah baby!  How wild: a photo of Monroe Mann right next to the two Big Ds.  Check out the photos at:

You can read my blog directly at:  (direct link to my blog).

And if you haven't already seen it, you can watch my Big Idea interview at

And now, are you in need of some more inspiration?  If so, here's my quick summer update.  My purpose is to share the vibe, and to inspire you to do more this year than ever before.  GET UP, GET OUT, GET MOVING!

Okay, here we go:
* I am a contributing author to the JUST RELEASED book, "Guerrilla Marketing on the Front Lines"--find out how I kept my business and dreams alive while in the combat zone of Iraq!  Buy now at Amazon, BN, etc.
* I am almost done with my next book, "Battle Cries for the Hollywood Underdog" with co-author Lou Bortone---available this winter.
* I return in late August--woohoo!--to my 2nd year of law school: Entertainment Law, Property, Advanced Appellate Advocacy, and Federal Income Tax, plus 1 business course for my MBA.  As many already know, I just received my Masters of Entrepreneurship this past May---one of only 135 people in the world with such a degree.  Cool, eh?
* Unstoppable Artists' celebrity talk-show, "Before the Big Break", hosted by Monroe Mann, launches this fall!  The entire first season is shot with guests ranging from the legendary Joe Franklin and Sammy Petrillo to the founder of Tim Westergren and the hit rock band Ludo, who just played on Leno!  Stay tuned to this email list for launch date, and become our friend at
* I am pleased to report that Unstoppable Artists has officially changed its slogan to reflect my ever increasing small business clientele.  Since Unstoppable Artists thinks of artists as entrepreneurs, and thinks of entrepreneurs as artists, the new slogan is: "...because entrepreneurs create masterpieces."  Catchy catchall, eh?
* After two years, my film producing partner Phil Malandrino and I are getting very close to sealing a huge deal with one of Europe's biggest hedge funds.  So damn exciting!  More to come in September!
* I actually just turned down a $3000 gig to play my band's original music at a wedding this September.  Which is crazier?  That these folks--complete strangers--wanted me to play my original songs at their wedding... or that I actually turned it down?  Perhaps both.  But I had to do it.  It would have taken too much effort to get everything put together.  How did I make the decision?  I realized that I have a lot of other hot irons in the fire, and that if things keep up the way they are moving, I'll be able to rock out with my band at down the line.  Lose the battle, but win the war!  And listen to our music at  (I'm the singer/songwriter/manager)
* Next, if any of you have a desire to start your own coaching firm, or are running a personal services business (NO, NOT PROSTITUTION! JEESH!), check out my awesome new book, "Start Your Own Coaching Business"--available now! (2008, Entrepreneur Press) * Finally, by popular demand, I have joined facebook.  Feel free to become my friend, and same goes for, and, and

Thanks for all of your support.  Each and every one of you.  You all rock from the delta to the DMZ...  And I can't wait to meet you all at the top!

On that note...
**PITCH ALERT!  PITCH ALERT!**   (haha!)
Seven hundred and fifty dollars.  That's the cost of my flagship 5-week coaching program.  That is not a lot of money.  And I will turn your world upside down.  I'll leave you with that.
Thanks so much for your support!
-Monroe Mann
Call 914-481-1641 or reply to this email to set up your free 20-minute career, marketing, and financial phone consultation with Unstoppable Artists' founder Monroe Mann.  Who is he?  He's the guy to call when you're finally ready to take control of your circumstances.   

ROMP ON! Meet you at the TOP!
No Rules. No Excuses. No Regrets.
-Monroe Mann, ME, GMC (JD/MBA - May 2010)
CEO & Senior Publicist
Unstoppable Artists, LLC
914-481-1641 (office) 
646-764-1764 (cell)

P.S. - You know how people are always looking for their big break, and just wish there were an easier way?  Well, there is.  And it has a name: Unstoppable Artists.  I help clients create their own breaks by teaching them how to manage their own career and finances, and help them to gain more exposure.  I help people in show business, music, sports, and publishing (and of course entrepreneurs) think much bigger, gain more control of their futures, and become a part of the 'lucky' few who are considered successful.

Monday, June 02, 2008

Top 3 Summer Financial Tips

Monroe Mann's Unstoppable Artists, LLC
Call for free 20-Minute Career Consultation: 914-481-1641
June 2, 2008

# 1. PAY YOURSELF FIRST.  This is the most basic lesson of all, and that's why it's number one.  Do NOT pay your credit card bills, your rent, or even your mortgage, without FIRST taking 10% of your income and putting it into a savings account FOR YOURSELF.  I promise you: the bills are going to get paid.  Somehow, someway, you will always find a way to pay the bills.  But only with discipline will you learn to take that first 10% of every paycheck and 'pay yourself'.  If you haven't yet, read, "The Richest Man in Babylon" immediately.  And open up your account at
# 2. REDUCE EXPENSES.  Truth is, you're probably making more than enough money, but you're 'struggling' because your expenses are too high.  It's not that you need a raise; it's that you need to STOP SPENDING ALREADY!  Seriously, if you tracked how much you actually spend every week--every month--you'd probably realize how wasteful you actually are.  Trust me: you CAN reduce your expenses if you really want to, and that will help you tremendously in terms of 'making a profit' at the end of each month.
 # 3. MAKE MORE MONEY!  Okay, even though reducing expenses is a key way to 'make more money', another way to make more money is to... MAKE MORE MONEY!  For instance, get federal loans and go back to school.  This will allow you to get a better paying job.  Consider starting your own part-time business on the side.  Heck, have some guts and ask for a raise already--you know you deserve it, right?  Bottom line, your mission needs to be 'doubling your income over the next year'.  It is possible.  Oh so possible.  The question is: are you willing to do what is necessary to make it happen?
P.S. - the 4th tip is to learn accounting.  If you don't understand accounting, you'll never KNOW how much you're saving, spending, or making.  There is a free accounting e-course available through the Unstoppable Artists website.  Check it out!  Click on 'we recommend'.  In fact, we recommend you take this free accounting course over the summer! :)

Call 914-481-1641 or reply to this email to set up your free 20-minute career, marketing, and financial phone consultation with Unstoppable Artists' founder Monroe Mann.  Who is he?  He's the guy to call when you're finally ready to take control of your circumstances.  [Incidentally, he has a Masters of Entrepreneurship, and is 1/2 of the way through the certified Financial Planner Program at Boston Institute of Finance.]

Monday, May 26, 2008

Battle Cry 79 (David Sarnoff)

Monroe Mann's Unstoppable Artists, LLC
Call for free 20-Minute Career Consultation: 914-481-1641
May 26, 2008

BATTLE CRY 79 (David Sarnoff) by Monroe Mann
Battle Cry: "Don't be misled into believing that somehow the world owes you a living.  The boy who believes that his parents, or the government, or anyone else owes him a livelihood and that he can collect it without labor will wake up one day and find himself working for another boy who did not have that belief, and therefore earned the right to have others work for him." --David Sarnoff
Fightin' Words: Once a victim, always a victim--but only if you allow yourself to believe that you are actually a victim.  Here's the key: refuse to ever believe yourself a victim to begin with.  No one owes you anything, and this quote makes it crystal clear what will happen to you if you continue to believe that.  Those who let unfortunate, unpredicted, fluke events cripple them into believing that they somehow deserve pity, special treatment, and unearned reparations bring misery upon themselves.  Change your outlook.  Change your attitude.  Who are you to hold such a sense of entitlement?  No one owes you anything--anything--ANYTHING!  Make your own damn living.  Make your own damn breaks.  Make your own damn opportunities.  Make your own damn dreams come true.  Make your own damn future.  If you're waiting for or expecting someone or something else to 'take care of you'--WAKE UP!  Get over yourself.  You're living in a dream world.  No one owes you anything, Okay?  So just go out there and make it happen on your own. -- Monroe Mann
Excerpted from Monroe Mann's inspirational book, "Battle Cries for the Underdog" that G. Gordon Liddy says 'is filled with some of the finest insights to be found in history.'  And coming Fall 2008, "Battle Cries for the HOLLYWOOD Underdog" co-written with Monroe's Hollywood friend Lou Bortone!
Call 914-481-1641 or reply to this email to set up your free 20-minute career, marketing, and financial phone consultation with Unstoppable Artists' founder Monroe Mann.  Who is he?  He's the guy to call when you're finally ready to take control of your circumstances.

Thursday, May 22, 2008

My College Alumni Magazine Update

Monroe Mann ('99) is proud to report that he is one of the producers and host of a new
internet celebrity talk-show called, "Before the Big Break".  They are well into production,
and the latest interview was with Gary W. Goldstein, producer of Pretty Woman, Under
Siege, and the Mothman Prophecies with Richard Gere.  Look for the site to launch
in early Fall.  Monroe also just received his Masters of Entrepreneurship, is now a 3rd year
JD/MBA student at Pace Law School (in a four year program) and will be soon starting his
PhD (so that one day he'll be able to teach as a summer professor at Franklin College!) 
Please check out his latest books, "Guerrilla Networking" with Jay Conrad Levinson, and
most recently, "Start Your Own Coaching Business" with Entrepreneur Press.  He sends
a shout out to all of his good friends from Franklin, and hopes one day to meet up with them
all again.  To Professor Mottale: thank you for keeping in touch with me and supporting
my dream of one day teaching at Franklin.  To Professor RoccaSalvo: hope you're having
an awesome time at Franklin this summer!   To Roberto Piras:  it was great meeting up
with you in New York City.  To all Franklin people: telefoni mi l
a prossima volta siete a
New York, or sign up to my email list at 
Grazie per il supporto!!

Romp On! Hooah!
Meet You at the Top!

-Monroe Mann

Read my latest books, "Guerrilla Networking" with Jay Conrad Levinson, and "Start Your Own Coaching Business" with Entrepreneur Press!

The coolest marketing tool I have EVER seen...

May 22, 2008
Folks, I've done a lot over the years in the field of marketing and know my stuff.  I've written a book with the author of Guerrilla Marketing; I'm a certified Guerrilla Marketing Coach; and I even hold a masters of Entrepreneurship.  If anyone knows marketing and publicity, it is me. 
So I hope you will visit this link and sign up for the completely FREE TRIAL that requires no credit card information at all (because I am paying for your free trial): Monroe Mann's Awesome Marketing Tool
Not convinced yet?  Okay, no problem.  So what is it?  It's called Send Out Cards, and my friend Dan Duckworth turned me on to it.  If you want to improve your marketing, increase your sales, and make ten times more money this year, just keep reading.
Imagine this.  Imagine there were a very inexpensive and yet reliable tool that allowed you to increase your marketing coverage, and effectiveness, and at the same time, saved you hours of time.  This tool exists.  And it's just a mouse click away
This is what it does:
* it allows you to create custom postcards, greeting cards, and three-panel brochures completely online... 
* it allows you to actually 'type' cards in your own handwriting.
* it allows you to put your photo as the front of the card (for actors and models) or even your logo (for businesses)---forget about doing huge printings of cards that are going to be out of date in a month!
* and THEN (yeah, there's more), all you do is click send (just like with email), and voila, the card is sent... but not via email.  It is sent via the regular mail.  Yes!  The system actually prints the card, stamps it, addresses it, and puts it in a mailbox.  Sounds unbelievable, I know.  And yet... there's more.
Ready for your free test drive?  Sign up here: Monroe Mann's Awesome Marketing Tool
* If you don't want to make your own cards, you can choose from over 8,000 different ready-made cards, all proven for their marketing effectiveness
* How about this: the system also reminds you one week before your friends' and clients' birthdays, anniversaries, and important dates, so you will never forget again. 
* In fact, you can even program the system to send out the birthday and anniversary cards automatically one week before the date, so you don't even have to think about it: the system does it for you.
* How about the holidays?  Wouldn't it be great to send out a personalize Christmas card to everyone you know... in your own handwriting... with the simple touch of a button?  Now you can.  It's easy!
* Need more incentive?  How about this: You can actually insert gift cards, automatically!  For Barnes & Noble!  For Blockbuster!  Even a pre-paid American Express card.  Isn't that so cool? So the card arrives with a pre-paid gift card for your friend, client, family member, or prospect.  Awesome, I know.
Ready for your free test drive?  Sign up here: Monroe Mann's Awesome Marketing Tool 
* Oh, do you ever do mass mailings via the post office to large groups of people?  Wouldn't you like to cut the time down from an entire weekend to, say, 5 minutes?  Now you can.  And it's easy.  You simply import the contacts into a group (let's say 'Talent Agents'); you create a card; you select the group; you click send.  Simple.  In less than 5 minutes, you have sent out career and business updates to everyone in that group, from 50 to 50,000 people--it's all the same.
* And there's more.  You can even set up the system so it sends a series of messages, automatically, to one person, or even to a group.  You set up the cards in the series, set the date each one should be sent, and then you go golfing!  Every week, month, or whatever time period you choose, a new card will be sent out via the regular mail.  And your profitability soars.
* Want even more incentive?  You can actually make money with the system.  For every person you get to sign up, you yourself will make at minimum $120.  And then, you make a 3 - 7% commission on every card that that person sends.  The more people you get to sign up, the more money you can make.  If you're looking for a great part-time business, this is it.  You're actually selling something that people can use!  What a concept. :)
Ready for your FREE TEST DRIVE?  Sign up here: Monroe Mann's Awesome Marketing Tool
My dear fans, supporters, fellow actors, writers, entrepreneurs, and friends: as you may know, I very rarely put my stamp of approval on other companies' products and services.  But for the first time in a really long time, I have found something that I absolutely had to share with you.  Send Out Cards is quite possibly the most amazing marketing tool ever invented.  It combines the ease and efficiency of email with the tangibility and sincerity of the regular mail. 
There really is nothing like receiving something in the mail, but it's such a pain in the butt to send something in the mail to everyone, right?  Well, the pain is now gone.  Now you can send snail mail, automatically, inexpensively, and--the most important word in marketing... CONSISTENTLY-- thanks to Send Out Cards.
If you haven't yet, I sincerely urge you to sign up for a free trial by clicking here.  Or you can type in this link directly:  ;
When you get there, click for the free trial, and once you fill out the forms, your account will get stocked up with a bunch of postage, and 6 points--all compliments of yours truly.  And with that, you can send out a few cards and see how the system works.  Be sure to include your phone number, and I'll give you a call personally to help you set up the system and send out some cards. 
Truly, once you realize what an amazing system this is, you are going to be blown away, just like I was. The reason I am so passionate about this is because I actually use it.  Everyday.  Sending out postcards about my new talk-show to casting directors and agents.  Sending out greeting cards to my clients.  Sending off press release cards about my clients to the media.  Sending off postcard advertisements about my classes and services.  Heck, I send off about 50 cards a day.  It's simply amazing.  And addicting!  I have become addicted to sending these damn cards and now everyone I know is calling me up asking me how the heck I have the time send them so many personalized cards!
Are you still reading?  Have I really not convinced you yet?  If you don't use this system, you are going to lose out to your competition who is.  So sign up for your FREE TEST DRIVE today: Monroe Mann's Awesome Marketing Tool  or just type in
-Monroe Mann

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

3 Steps to Finding Investors

Monroe Mann's Unstoppable Artists, LLC
Call for free 20-Minute Career Consultation: 914-481-1641
May 19, 2008

# 1. CREATE A PROJECT.  It seems obvious that in order to find investors, you first need a project, but a lot of people don't seem to realize that.  They think that they need the investors first, and THEN they'll figure out where to invest the money.  WRONG.  Just as with personal finance, you need to figure out where you're gonna spend the money long before you actually make the money.  It's called: Forward Thinking.  So start your forward thinking now and create some projects already!
# 2. GAIN TRUST.  People do not invest in projects, though.  They invest in projects with potential.  In other words, they invest in projects they TRUST are going to bring them back a return on investment.  It amazes me how many people seek money for projects that have NOTHING GOING FOR THEM.  For instance, a script with no name attachments.  A band with no fan base.  An actor with no credits.  Folks, very rarely to investors invest in talent alone.  Nope.  You need something more: credibility and trust that you are going to spend and invest that money wisely.
 # 3. ASK FOR THE MONEY!  This actually is the most important step.  If you think people are just going to come up to you and offer you their money, you are gravely mistaken.  It may happen, but probably not.  You have to ask for the sale!  This is sales baby!  Ask them, "Would you like to invest?"  And the more specific, the better: "Would you like to invest $10,000?"  Even better: "Would you like to purchase 10 shares at $1,000 each for a total of $10,000 with a 50% stake in all profits and a first in-first out recoupment of your initial investment?"  If that confused you, don't worry.  The most important thing is that you ASK FOR THE STINKIN' MONEY ALREADY!

Call 914-481-1641 or reply to this email to set up your free 20-minute career, marketing, and financial phone consultation with Unstoppable Artists' founder Monroe Mann.  Who is he?  He's the guy to call when you're finally ready to take control of your circumstances.

ROMP ON! Meet you at the TOP!
No Rules. No Excuses. No Regrets.
-Monroe Mann
CEO & Senior Publicist
Unstoppable Artists, LLC
914-481-1641 (office) 
646-764-1764 (cell)

Friday, May 16, 2008

Monroe Mann's Awesome Pre-Summer Update

Monroe Mann's Awesome Pre-Summer Update
To The RoMann Legion,
Are you ready for the latest on the rise of the RoMann Empire?  Prepare to be inspired. :)  I've got some awesome updates on my band, my movies, my new talk show!, my books, my businesses, and all this crazy education I've been getting.  Remember, I'm not bragging; I'm just sharing the vibe!  I hope you'll go out there and kick it yourself with similarly awesome things in your own life!
A) First, if you're free this Saturday, and in Westchester, my band, Running for Famous, is playing this Saturday at Panera Bread Company's outdoor cafe at Port Chester's Waterfront, from 12PM - 2PM.  It's an acoustic rendition of the band, with me on classical guitar/lead vocals, and Amy Stein on Flute/harmony vocals.  We're playing a fun medley of spanish, latin, and classical instrumentals, as well as both original and cover pop songs.  Come down to Port Chester's Waterfront and eat a yummy sandwich and soup while you relax to our groovy tunes.  If all goes well, this will be a regular gig every Saturday.  Yippee!  (And yes, we're playing Crosstown Bus, Hollywood Girls, and Look Around)!!!
B) Second, I'm super stoked to report that I just received my Masters of Entrepreneurship from Western Carolina University (and am now one of only 135 people in the world to have this prestigious degree.)  Woohoo!  Not only that... but my professors just opened a new fully accredited college, and they agreed to partner up with me on  a subsidiary school called the Mann School of Entertainment, where in about five years, you'll be able to get a BA in Entertainment Entrepreneurship, and a Masters in Entertainment Entrepreneuship.  Guess who is going to be the Dean? :)  Ha!
C) I am also SO pleased (relieved is the more appropriate term) that I have just finished my first year of law school, and well, I know quite a bit more now about contracts, personal injury, criminal law, and civil procedure.  In fact, if you're looking for a good entertainment law firm, look no further than Mann & Mann, LLP.  When you combine my dad's over 50 years experience as an attorney, my mom's 15 years experience as an attorney and opera singer, and my Masters of Entrepreneuship and first year of law school (not to mention my eclectic background in entertainment), you won't find a better bunch of people to help you with your showbiz, music, and publishing legal matters.  Call me if you want more info; my number is down below.
D) As some of you know, Loco Dawn Films has been very busy this summer.  On one hand, we're signing and negotiating a bunch of contracts about this big film with a bunch of A-list stars.  We're involved as Executive Producers because Loco Dawn Films put the budget together, and then introduced the project to the investors, and we're now trying to broker the deal between all parties as I write this email.  The negotiations are a big ol' pain in the butt that's been dragging on for months, but we're close to making it happen, and if it does, there will be smiles all around.  On another hand, Loco Dawn Films has been busy shooting a talk-show!  In the show, I interview stars and celebrities about their lives and struggles... "Before the Big Break".  We just completed our third interview with none other than Gary Goldstein, one of the coolest guys in Hollywood.  You might have heard of some of the movies he's produced: Pretty Woman, Under Siege, The Mothman Prophecies, Cannes Man...  Other interviews include the great Joe Franklin (who had the longest-running talk-show in American history) and Sammy Petrillo (who starred in the 1953 hit cult film, 'Bela Lugosi Meets a Brooklyn Gorilla'--a film that Christopher Guest says is the only one he would want to take with him onto a desert island.)  So we're stoked and busy and making things happen, and meeting a ton of really cool people, and summer hasn't even kicked off!  You are gonna LOVE these interviews.
E) My company, Unstoppable Artists, continues to expand.  We've now moved into new and bigger offices at 316 Westchester Avenue, in Port Chester.  I welcomed Marissa Higgins onto the team this past January, and am stoked that she's still with me, 'cause she's a Godsend and has helped me and the business in ways I can't even enumerate.  Katrin Luthy, a publicity manager from Sony BMG music in Zurich, Switzerland, will be joining the team in August, to assist with our publicity clients.  And if you check out our new and updated website at, you can read all the details.  If you or a friend needs career guidance, financial advice, marketing coaching, publicity services, or legal advice (through Mann & Mann), look no further than Unstoppable Artists.  We are the coolest damn company in showbusiness!  And I mean that as impartially as possible, of course.
F) Next, check out my new book at Amazon!  It's called, "Start Your Own Coaching Business" and will be available this summer from Entrepreneur Press.  The Amazon blurb says, "This unique guide teaches experts to turn their knowledge into a lucrative motivational coaching business. Readers will learn the ins and outs of mastering the two separate disciplines of a successful coaching business: the art of motivating clients and science of running a successful business. As a motivational coach himself, Mann brings his lively coaching style to the page, teaching by example. His straightforward advice will help readers find and motivate clients, develop income strategies and grow their new businesses."  So... if you want to do what I do, and help others by motivating clients to run their businesses more efficiently, and reach for the top... check out this book!  Truthfully, I explain how to make ANY business more profitable, so if you're looking for general business help, you might also find this book helpful and useful.  What's wild is that this is the first book I have written where someone other than me wrote the bio.  And gosh, what nice things the publishers have to say: "Monroe Mann is a successful motivational coach and certified guerrilla marketer. He developed his motivational skills as an entrepreneur, military veteran, Hollywood director and producer, and co-author of Guerrilla Networking with guru Jay Conrad Levinson."  Wow, when I read that, I thought: whoah, I've done a heck of a lot!
Okay, back to the law books.  My last final exam is tomorrow (friday night), and then a two week break before I start summer clases: Evidence and Surrogate Practice.  Yee haw!  If I stay on schedule, I'll be done with this joint JD/MBA program in two years, and take the NY state bar exam in July 2010, and the California bar six months later.  Seriously, am I crazy or what?  What have I got myself into!? haha  But don't worry, in August, rest easy: I'm taking a nice two week vacation up in Maine.  Ahhh...
Before I sign off, I want to thank you all again, from the bottom of my heart (what the heck does that mean anyway?) for reading this, and for supporting me, and for being a fan, especially those who have been there from the beginning, and for those who stuck by my side while I was in Iraq with the Army.  So many people abandoned me when that happened, and I thank those of you who didn't lose faith; those of you who--like me--are big thinkers enough to realize that we as humans are capable of doing far more than we are given credit for.  I can't stand people telling me to 'focus' when the truth of the matter is that by diversifying my pursuits, I AM focused... and on one thing only: SUCCESS.  Why, if you are good at ten different things, must you choose only one?  Screw that!  Do it all baby!  And well, not only am I trying, but I seem to be succeeding as well.  And let me tell you, it has nothing to do with "focusing on just one thing".  Bleck--the thought of giving up some of these things I am doing is anathama and disgusting.  Just because most people are incapable of understanding how you are able to do so many things shouldn't mean that YOU have to limit yourself.  So don't limit yourself based on others' ineptitude and jealousy, ok?  Live out loud; live up to your potential; and GO OUT THERE AND KICK IT!
Oh, before I forget, my friend and producing partner Christian Barnes wanted me to tell all of you to check out his film, "National Lampoon's Cattle Call" which was released worldwide on DVD thru Lions Gate Films yesterday.  It is super funny.  You can click the link below to order your copy, or pop it on your netflix queue.  Christian's next film is Shinobi, going into production this fall with Universal Pictures, written and directed by Max Makowski for a 2009 release.  Christian is, if you've been keeping up to date, one of the producers of my upcoming wakeboarding film, "In the Wake".  Hey Christian: CONGRATULATIONS ON CATTLE CALL!  Now let's get this silly wakeboarding film made already!  CLICK HERE TO READ MORE ABOUT CATTLE CALL: 
Later dudes! 
Meet you at the top!
-Monroe Mann
Publicity Manager, The RoMann Empire
Call 914-481-1641 or reply to this email to set up your free 20-minute career, marketing, and financial phone consultation with Unstoppable Artists' founder Monroe Mann.  Who is he?  He's the guy to call when you're finally ready to take control of your circumstances.

ROMP ON! Meet you at the TOP!
No Rules. No Excuses. No Regrets.
-Monroe Mann
CEO & Senior Publicist
Unstoppable Artists, LLC
914-481-1641 (office) 
646-764-1764 (cell)