July 14th, 2009
Yo Monroe, at the bottom is a special inspirational and motivational message just for you (# 6), so be sure to read the whole thing! :) And become my friend and watch my inspirational videos at, including my interview on CNBC's The Big Idea)
July 14th, 2009
Yo Monroe, at the bottom is a special inspirational and motivational message just for you (# 6), so be sure to read the whole thing! :) And become my friend and watch my inspirational videos at, including my interview on CNBC's The Big Idea)
by Eric Dawson on 05/18/2009 |
by Kris Keppeler on 05/08/2009 |
So wanna hear some awesome news!? I launched my Accountability School program just a couple weeks ago, and it's already taking off like a rocket.
Current student, Beverly Aarons (who happens to live in Paris, France) writes, "Joining Monroe's Accountability School has been both motivational and inspiring. In just 10 days I've made more progress on my scifi series and other projects than I've made in months. What a return on my investment! Monroe's Accountability School is highly recommended for those who want to GET IT DONE! Beverly Aarons"
Come on, you KNOW you should be doing more to make your dreams come true. You KNOW you could use some expert help and guidance along the way, and the support of others on the same track. And you KNOW that a $300 price tag for a three-month program is a STEAL!
The program is ROLLING so you can join ANY TIME. Please, do yourself a favor and jump on board today.
Your $300 fee includes: three months' access to the backbone of the program (the accountability boards); two 30-minute one-on-one coaching sessions with motivational and time management guru Monroe Mann; a free copy of Monroe's upcoming new book, "Time Zen"; and this is just the beginning.
Call Monroe on his cell at 646-764-1764 for more info/to register, or check out the website at If you know you want to enroll, you can also send your $300 payment to via paypal.
2. MY NEXT SHORT FILM PROGRAM ( starts on Saturday, August 29th. -- Last Time Class Offered for $1695!
Well, my short film school is a great success, and we just finished shooting the 4th film in the THIRD successful AFS short film class! And a bunch of the films from the 1st and 2nd class are already starting to show up on My mission is still to keep the cost of tuition lower than other film schools, but now that I know that the program works (and kicks ass!---see the reviews at, I realize that the amount of value I provide and the amount of personal attention my students get is worth FAR more than $1695. So... effective immediately, my ads on Facebook and on the website now reflect the new tuition price of $2495 for the short film program. However, for those on my email list, I will afford you one more opportunity to jump aboard at the current tuition rate of $1695. If you are interested in joining the class starting in August for only $1695, let me know! For more information on my short film program, check out:
Check it out: the website is now up and running at In this 12 - 18 month program (TOTALLY PART-TIME, JUST TWO SATURDAYS PER MONTH), you will (with your 8 - 12 other classmates) start a production company, LLC; open a bank account; write a script together, plan the film together; complete the SAG Ultra Low Budget paperwork together; direct, produce, and co-star in the film together; edit the film together on Final Cut Pro; market the finished film together; and together make every effort possible to get the film a distribution deal. Supervising producer on the project is Monroe Mann, who is founder of Actors Film School, CEO of Loco Dawn Films, a SAG/AFTRA/EQUITY actor, a Masters of Entrepreneurship holder, and a 4th year JD/MBA student at Pace Law/Lubin School of Business. Check out the website for all the details!
And of course, I am still available for one-on-one private career and business coaching. My flagship 5-week program is still $750 and worth every penny! For more information, check out And if you haven't yet seen my ten minute interview on CNBC's The Big Idea, be sure to visit the Unstoppable Artists homepage.
I am super stoked to report that the transition of Unstoppable Artists, LLC into an entertainment and small business law firm has begun. I have begun interviewing with potential law firm partners; I am taking the Multistate Professional Responsibility exam on August 7th; and in late August, I start my last and final year of law school. In other news, my # 1 bestselling book "Guerrilla Networking" (with Jay Levinson) will be rereleased late July, and my new book "Time Zen" will be available in early August. I am also going to be offering some free seminars and workshops in the very near future. Stay tuned!
We ALL have setbacks. We ALL feel depressed at times. We ALL want to throw in the towel and give up sometimes. We ALL feel worthless, inadequate, and well--like a big loser--at times.
For example, just the other day, I was reading the latest issue of Inc. Magazine, and it was a 'start your own business' issue. There were about ten case studies about these entrepreneurs who started their businesses on a shoestring, and who today, are raking in millions and millions of dollars in income. Part of me was so inspired--WOW! I CAN DO THAT TOO! Part of me felt like such a loser--I started my business BEFORE a lot of these people started theirs, and today, they are making quite a few millions of dollars more than I am. It is so depressing.
On top of that, I fell really hard for this girl who I thought I was actually going to have a future with, and well, a few days ago, she broke it off. And now it's over. And I am really sad about that too.
Add to this all the other crap I deal with on a daily basis such as the constant criticism I receive on my message board; the somewhat difficult relationship I have with my completely dysfunctional parents (my dad's 88, and my mom is 60); the shell shock and neck twitches that I still suffer with caused by the mortars and rockets and body armor in Iraq; the fact that I just started my advanced topics in financial management course for my MBA last night and it is going to KICK MY ASS! The list goes on!
DO I WANT YOUR PITY? HELL NO! Not a chance! I am Monroe Mann, and nothing gets me down for more than a few days. Why? Because my future is too important to allow the present to destroy me. Am I going to turn my company into a multi-million dollar enterprise? DUH! Am I going to meet a girl who loves me? ONE DAY, YES, I WILL! Am I (like LL Cool J says (and as I often quote)), "gonna take this itty bitty world by storm"? UM, YOU KNOW IT.
Am I somewhat depressed and downtrodden right now? Yes, I am. Life really is tough sometimes. But just as I made it through Iraq, and just I know I am going to get out of my slump, and see my dreams through to the end, I know that YOU TOO will do the same. Time heals all wounds. Especially when you have a future replete with ambition. I am SO excited to see you at the top. I know you're going to make your dreams come true, and together, we will both have a drink at the top and laugh at all the losers who slammed our dreams and broke our hearts.
If ever I can help you get through YOUR slumps, YOUR career setbacks, YOUR life's hiccups--call me. That's what I do best: help people overcome the obstacles in their lives. Why am I so good at it? Because my life has been nothing but 32 years of obstacles, and every day, I kick them down and let them know who is boss! That's how!
Thank you for always your time and most importantly, thank you for your continuing business and support. There is no way I am going to get to the top without the support of amazing people like you. THANK YOU. You have no idea how much your support means to me. I hope I can continue to be an important part of your life in some way.
So wanna hear some awesome news!? I launched my Accountability School program just a couple weeks ago, and it's already taking off like a rocket.
Current student, Beverly Aarons (who happens to live in Paris, France) writes, "Joining Monroe's Accountability School has been both motivational and inspiring. In just 10 days I've made more progress on my scifi series and other projects than I've made in months. What a return on my investment! Monroe's Accountability School is highly recommended for those who want to GET IT DONE! Beverly Aarons"
Come on, you KNOW you should be doing more to make your dreams come true. You KNOW you could use some expert help and guidance along the way, and the support of others on the same track. And you KNOW that a $300 price tag for a three-month program is a STEAL!
The program is ROLLING so you can join ANY TIME. Please, do yourself a favor and jump on board today.
Your $300 fee includes: three months' access to the backbone of the program (the accountability boards); two 30-minute one-on-one coaching sessions with motivational and time management guru Monroe Mann; a free copy of Monroe's upcoming new book, "Time Zen"; and this is just the beginning.
Call Monroe on his cell at 646-764-1764 for more info/to register, or check out the website at If you know you want to enroll, you can also send your $300 payment to via paypal.
2. MY NEXT SHORT FILM PROGRAM ( starts on Saturday, August 29th. -- Last Time Class Offered for $1695!
Well, my short film school is a great success, and we just finished shooting the 4th film in the THIRD successful AFS short film class! And a bunch of the films from the 1st and 2nd class are already starting to show up on My mission is still to keep the cost of tuition lower than other film schools, but now that I know that the program works (and kicks ass!---see the reviews at, I realize that the amount of value I provide and the amount of personal attention my students get is worth FAR more than $1695. So... effective immediately, my ads on Facebook and on the website now reflect the new tuition price of $2495 for the short film program. However, for those on my email list, I will afford you one more opportunity to jump aboard at the current tuition rate of $1695. If you are interested in joining the class starting in August for only $1695, let me know! For more information on my short film program, check out:
Check it out: the website is now up and running at In this 12 - 18 month program (TOTALLY PART-TIME, JUST TWO SATURDAYS PER MONTH), you will (with your 8 - 12 other classmates) start a production company, LLC; open a bank account; write a script together, plan the film together; complete the SAG Ultra Low Budget paperwork together; direct, produce, and co-star in the film together; edit the film together on Final Cut Pro; market the finished film together; and together make every effort possible to get the film a distribution deal. Supervising producer on the project is Monroe Mann, who is founder of Actors Film School, CEO of Loco Dawn Films, a SAG/AFTRA/EQUITY actor, a Masters of Entrepreneurship holder, and a 4th year JD/MBA student at Pace Law/Lubin School of Business. Check out the website for all the details!
And of course, I am still available for one-on-one private career and business coaching. My flagship 5-week program is still $750 and worth every penny! For more information, check out And if you haven't yet seen my ten minute interview on CNBC's The Big Idea, be sure to visit the Unstoppable Artists homepage.
I am super stoked to report that the transition of Unstoppable Artists, LLC into an entertainment and small business law firm has begun. I have begun interviewing with potential law firm partners; I am taking the Multistate Professional Responsibility exam on August 7th; and in late August, I start my last and final year of law school. In other news, my # 1 bestselling book "Guerrilla Networking" (with Jay Levinson) will be rereleased late July, and my new book "Time Zen" will be available in early August. I am also going to be offering some free seminars and workshops in the very near future. Stay tuned!
We ALL have setbacks. We ALL feel depressed at times. We ALL want to throw in the towel and give up sometimes. We ALL feel worthless, inadequate, and well--like a big loser--at times.
For example, just the other day, I was reading the latest issue of Inc. Magazine, and it was a 'start your own business' issue. There were about ten case studies about these entrepreneurs who started their businesses on a shoestring, and who today, are raking in millions and millions of dollars in income. Part of me was so inspired--WOW! I CAN DO THAT TOO! Part of me felt like such a loser--I started my business BEFORE a lot of these people started theirs, and today, they are making quite a few millions of dollars more than I am. It is so depressing.
On top of that, I fell really hard for this girl who I thought I was actually going to have a future with, and well, a few days ago, she broke it off. And now it's over. And I am really sad about that too.
Add to this all the other crap I deal with on a daily basis such as the constant criticism I receive on my message board; the somewhat difficult relationship I have with my completely dysfunctional parents (my dad's 88, and my mom is 60); the shell shock and neck twitches that I still suffer with caused by the mortars and rockets and body armor in Iraq; the fact that I just started my advanced topics in financial management course for my MBA last night and it is going to KICK MY ASS! The list goes on!
DO I WANT YOUR PITY? HELL NO! Not a chance! I am Monroe Mann, and nothing gets me down for more than a few days. Why? Because my future is too important to allow the present to destroy me. Am I going to turn my company into a multi-million dollar enterprise? DUH! Am I going to meet a girl who loves me? ONE DAY, YES, I WILL! Am I (like LL Cool J says (and as I often quote)), "gonna take this itty bitty world by storm"? UM, YOU KNOW IT.
Am I somewhat depressed and downtrodden right now? Yes, I am. Life really is tough sometimes. But just as I made it through Iraq, and just I know I am going to get out of my slump, and see my dreams through to the end, I know that YOU TOO will do the same. Time heals all wounds. Especially when you have a future replete with ambition. I am SO excited to see you at the top. I know you're going to make your dreams come true, and together, we will both have a drink at the top and laugh at all the losers who slammed our dreams and broke our hearts.
If ever I can help you get through YOUR slumps, YOUR career setbacks, YOUR life's hiccups--call me. That's what I do best: help people overcome the obstacles in their lives. Why am I so good at it? Because my life has been nothing but 32 years of obstacles, and every day, I kick them down and let them know who is boss! That's how!
Thank you for always your time and most importantly, thank you for your continuing business and support. There is no way I am going to get to the top without the support of amazing people like you. THANK YOU. You have no idea how much your support means to me. I hope I can continue to be an important part of your life in some way.
Monroe Mann, ME, GMC
(JD/MBA, May 2010)
Write a Review
Romp On! Hooah! Meet You at the Top!
-Monroe Mann
ME (Master of Entrepreneurship); GMC (Guerrilla Marketing Coach); JD/MBA (Spring 2010); WFR (Wilderness First Responder); Bronze-Star Nominated Iraq War Veteran
Read my latest books, "Guerrilla Networking" with Jay Conrad Levinson, and "Start Your Own Coaching Business" with Entrepreneur Press! New book: "Time Zen" coming August 2009!
-Monroe Mann
ME (Master of Entrepreneurship); GMC (Guerrilla Marketing Coach); JD/MBA (Spring 2010); WFR (Wilderness First Responder); Bronze-Star Nominated Iraq War Veteran
Read my latest books, "Guerrilla Networking" with Jay Conrad Levinson, and "Start Your Own Coaching Business" with Entrepreneur Press! New book: "Time Zen" coming August 2009!
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